If you’re tired of trying fad diets and exercise regimes in an effort to tone your stubborn stomach or achieve the ‘thigh gap’ dream, you might have been considering liposuction. This minimally invasive method is a great way to sculpt the body and target problem areas – but are you a good candidate for the Vaser liposuction procedure?
There are a number of factors, both physical and psychological, which affect whether you’re seen as a good candidate for liposuction – let’s take a look at them.
Physical factors of Vaser Liposuction
If you’re within 30% of your ideal weight, you will be a strong candidate for liposuction – any more than 30% and you may wish to consider more comprehensive weight loss methods.
You should have firm skin with good elasticity – this will help you to achieve the look you want post-procedure. It also helps if you have good muscle tone. Many doctors experienced in liposuction recommend that you start to tone your muscles before you have a procedure, so that you’ll experience maximum results.
Gold star if you’re a non-smoker! Unfortunately, if you smoke, you might be downgrading your candidacy status for liposuction. Smoking already has a number of health risks, and can lead to further complications if you decide to go for liposuction.
It’s also important that you’re in relatively good health, with no illnesses or conditions that may prevent you from healing properly in the future. If you do suffer from a specific health condition, your doctor will be better placed to take you through your options with regards to liposuction.
Psychological factors
A sound state of mental and emotional health is necessary for any kind of cosmetic surgery, not just liposuction. Doctors must individually evaluate the patient’s psychological state before they can sanction any kind of cosmetic procedure.
It’s crucial that patients choosing the Vaser liposuction procedure have a realistic idea of how the procedure will affect them, and what the results will be. Managing the expectations of the patient is something the doctor will need to do from the very first consultation – but it’s also important that the patient doesn’t expect to transform into Kate Moss overnight.
So am I a good candidate for Vaser Lipo?
If you have reasonable expectations about the results of the surgery, if you’re in relatively good health, if you’re within 30% of your ideal weight, with firm skin and no current smoking addiction – congratulations! You’re an ideal candidate for liposuction. If you’re considering undergoing this procedure to tone your tummy or another problem area, get in touch with our team for more details.
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