Why VASER High Def?
Some people want to lose fat in specific places, and the legs are of course one of these places. After the abdominal area, the legs are usually the next most popular target for those undergoing vaser liposuction. In fact, women usually store fat in their thigh areas before anywhere else, making it a notorious problem area for females around the world. Men, conversely, tend to store fat in the abdominal area first. There are also some people who have lumps, bumps and other imperfections in the leg region, making them very self-conscious about the appearance of their legs.
Older methods of liposuction were not effective at removing fat around the whole of the leg, with most surgeons choosing to concentrate on the inner thighs, outer thighs, and the buttock creases. These were the simplest and most effective areas for fat removal, giving a relatively sculpted appearance. With that said, it wasn’t possible to shape the legs 360 degrees as required. You’d have to make do with what you could get.
Many surgeons also shied away from attempting other areas on the leg as they feared leaving unsightly scars and markings around the whole circumference of the leg. Some surgeons also don’t like to work on the leg, as it is a more complicated procedure than abdominal liposuction. Some of these surgeons will flat out refuse to work on anybodies leg. That’s not a bad thing though – if they aren’t feeling confident about how well or how safely they can do this procedure, then it’s better they leave it to the experts.
These days the process is still difficult and requires experience, though what can be performed has changed vastly with VASER High-Def Liposuction.
What is VASER High-Def?
This uses amplified, concentrated waves of ultrasound to send vibrations through the fat targeted area. The area is also injected with an anaesthetic solution, in an exact amount at a precise location. This allows the fat cells in that area to be emulsified/liquefied by the sound waves, then sucked out using a tiny cannula.
This technique is hugely popular and relatively new, though it’s been around long enough to work out the kinks. It allows cosmetic surgeons to target areas with incredible accuracy, and also to create the desired shape much more reliably.
Now it’s possible to shape your leg however you like, and to remove fat from any area. Fat can also be added in small amounts to other areas, which can increase the definition of your legs. VASER is also less invasive than other lipo, and you should not need to stay in a clinic at all. Simply drop in for your appointment, and head home a few hours later.
Recovery times are shorter too, and the whole process is less painful as it’s done in a very safe, non-invasive way, leaving everything but the fat cells untouched and undamaged. Older style liposuction can damage nerves, blood vessels and other tissue.
The accuracy of this process means 360 degree leg contouring is absolutely possible, though your surgeon should have previous experience with the procedure. Talk to them to confirm this when you first discuss the surgery.
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